Conductive indecent proposal received from another girl I was in celebrating the marriage of a friend in common, when one approached the other

Conductive indecent proposal received from another girl I was in celebrating the marriage of a friend in common, when one approached the other.
The scenario: wedding Gerardo Sofovich theatrical producer and his new wife, Sofia Oleksak. Sexy, flashes, some other exchange, local media and much wildlife. In the middle of the scene, which tamer of beasts (or as the indomitable fierecilla?) The host Viviana Canosa moved cautiously among the other guests.

Prudence was not over, according to their own Canosa, since over a star or an actress would have been delighted with her: "I followed three or four famous. They told me things that no man heard you mentioned, told the host of "The Professionals" to People magazine.

"One of the girls I grazed the skin and chased me all night," continued. Reportedly, one of those celebrities would come to such a point that would have made obnubilación "the" indecent proposal. "He offered me oral sex and he blushes, "confessed the driver.

"It does not bother me. I have defined my sexuality, but it amuses me to like both men and women," summarized naughty Canosa, which takes about 15 years along with his producer, Daniel Tobal. However, by the end of the interview the conductor had reserved a detail of the story: its response to the invitation.

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